Contact us
Here you will find information for contacting employees at Sandnes Culture School. We prefer that you use e-mail unless the matter is urgent.
It is also possible to call the school administration on tel. 51921520.
Below you will find contact information of the management and administration of Sandnes Culture School.
Our street address is Holbergsgate 23 in Sandnes. We are located in the same building as Vågen Upper Secondary School.
The main entrance is from Holbergsgate, where you will also find the entrance to Sandnes Gymnastic Society/Sports Hall.
Contact us
Sandnes Culture School
Street address: Holbergsgate 23 , 4306 Sandnes
Postal address: P.O. Box 236 , 4303 SANDNES
Telephone: 51 92 15 20
Cell phone: 90 60 32 49
Send e-mails to the Culture School
Toril Tveit Munthe-Kaas
tlf. 91332111
Deputy head
Knut Egil Kristiansen
tlf. 92036876
Deputy head
Deputy head
Marianne Kristoffersen
tlf. 41859897
Agnes-Beate Nyborg
tlf. 95125059
Project manager
Cathrine Støllsvik
tlf. 48109390
Adm. Consultant
Torill Klingsheim
Adm. Consultant
Bjørg Anne Årsvold
Office hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am - 3.30pm